Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Proud Moment
For me - my proudest Mom moments are hearing of things that Bobby does when I am not there. Today was a particularly proud moment. At recess - Bobby played with a classmate that is often left out. According to his teacher - Bobby played so sweetly with this little boy and made sure he was included in the pretend play. There are so many things that I want to teach my boys but being kind to others, having/showing respect for people/animals/things and being honest are my top three. I was so very proud of him today!
From the Mouth of Bobby/So close
On way into the dentist's office today - heard child crying as he was getting into his car across the parking lot. To me - Mommy, why is he crying? My reply- I am not sure - he seems upset though. His reply - yes - definitely nap time for that guy!
By the way - dentist's office was great. Bobby's check-up was A+ and he got to write his name on the A+ board - big time! He cracks me up in his seat - he really loves t0 chat it up which is tough when in the middle of a dental exam.
Tim gets closer and closer to crawling. Poor guy - he gets into position and then somehow scoots himself backwards until he is wedged up against a wall/door/etc and gets frustrated that he is not moving anywhere. We are working on going in the forward direction!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Saturday and Change
Rob and I have been actively cleaning out our closet amongst other things in the house. I started with cleaning out the entire upstairs following the holidays and now have moved on to our closet and office. Call it nesting before going back to work but it was things that needed to get done and it has felt so good to get it done. Anyway, the closet is now done and we discovered lots of loose change in some of my old purses. I took it all to Coinstar to trade it in for cash and - with our new found money -treated ourselves to an unexpected fun night out at Magic Time Machine - so much fun!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
First Day of Work
I cannot explain the odd, odd feeling to leave the house in the morning - all dressed and made up -and go to work where I have an actual office waiting for me. I explained to a friend that it felt like I was missing something most of the day - with the boys at home/school and me elsewhere. Especially during pick up time where I had a panicked feeling that I had to dash to da Vinci and realized that I did not have to - I had to keep reminding myself. Luckily, Amanda was wonderful at sending me texts at what was going on at home - mostly Tim sleeping :) They both had a fun day with her. The hardest part of the day is the prep - knowing that I won;t be at home to take care of anything that may have been missed in the morning. So....the night before - clothes are laid out, bottles are put in the fridge and I make sure everything is set to make sure the day goes smoothly while I am away. I absolutely loved my first day and look forward to tomorrow. I anticipate that the transition from stay at home to working Mom will be difficult at times but I feel very fortunate to have this opportunity t work at a place like Greenhill where my beloved boys can join me one day. I felt a great sense of pride as I drive away in the morning that I am doing this with them always in mind. It made coming home that much sweeter.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Amanda from Australia
Our big day arrived - Amanda's first day with us! Amanda arrived at 7:30 and spent the day with us - walking through our day and getting to know Tim and Bobby a little better. Tim took to her very well and Bobby - well - flirted and acted goofy most of the day :) He did draw her a picture at school so I took that as a good sign. Although I face going back to work with a good deal of anxiety about what this transition will be like - having such capable and loving hands taking care of my precious boys makes it so much easier.
Tomorrow is my first day - followed by Bobby's first SoccerTots soccer game with his team - the Panthers. SoccerTots recently contacted us about joining the new SoccerTots mini league to give kids the experience of playing games - but I think in a much more relaxed way. Has he had a practice with the team? No. Has the team had a practice? No. So - tomorrow we get to see 4 and 5 year olds run around playing soccer and not knowing exactly what they are doing - but hopefully having fun. I will be sure to capture this moment in pictures!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
I Disagree - Martin Luther King Day
A common question in our home at the moment is "will I have to take quiet time today?" One day this week I said he did need to because he seemed tired. He looked at me and said "well I disagree - I think we need to talk about this."
Some things Bobby knows about Dr. King - he is a man "full of peace", he created peace and made white boys and girls and black boys and girls like each other like a big family and he was similar to Optimus Prime because he lead good guys and wanted good things to happen.
Happy Belated 7 Months Tim!
January 8th came and went last week and I forgot to acknowledge the special day in the blog. How fast time flies! So Happy first week of being a big 7 month old Tim! You will be crawling any day now..... I love how much you have started babbling - I already hear the future conversations we will have.
Saying Goodbye - Christmas 2010
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Happy New Year!
The new year wrapped up a very busy holiday for us with lots of family in town and fun. Starting with Mimo and Bop on the 18th to Uncle Adam leaving January 4th - we had lots of fun, food and presents! Rob and I took New Year's Day to clean out and out away toys in the playroom and I kicked off more household projects to start the new year fresh and organized.
Bobby was excited to get back to school and see his friends. It is very weird to think that this is the last semester of Pre K year! Tim continues to be SO close to crawling - it should be any day. He also started babbling - a lot - last week which is very fun. He has so much to say!
The biggest change is coming - my going back to work. I meet this new adventure with excitement and trepidation. I have not worked full time in 5 years and there were no Bobby and Tim back then so this will be a big transition. I have been preparing as best I can for it - including hiring a wonderful nanny - Amanda from Australia. She will start with us next Tuesday. I will keep you posted on ho things are going once I start back full time on January 31st.
Bobby and Tim went to Greenhill with me last Friday to look around and see my office. It was interesting seeing the school through Bobby's eyes - he kept saying "is ALL of this Greenhill?!?" :)
Many pictures from the holidays - including our charity projects. I, unfortunately, did not take any Meals on Wheels pictures but we did have some great stories!
Cheers to 2011 - may it be a year of happiness, health and more joy!
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