Monday, August 30, 2010
Timmy Smiling - and Cooing/Laughing
Grandma makes Timmy smile and laugh :)....Until he decided that he was ready to be picked up!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Lion King, Ugly Shoes and Soccer Stud
Ah - the joys of Disney movies. I love them but each and every one has a message behind it. This usually leads to at least one day of talking about that lesson with Bobby. For example, for 20 minutes in the car - why did Scar want to fight Simba in The Lion King (we watched it again last night) - why did Scar push Mufasa..why...why...why... This lead into a conversation about how animals sometimes challenge each other in the wild and - no - he would not be challenging Daddy someday to rule our house. As Rob said - he would just back down and let him take over the responsibility :) It is pretty funny to me to see where his mind goes as he is figuring out why things happen the way they do.
On the same outing - we took Bobby to pick out school shoes. He proceeded to choose a pretty ugly pair. As i kept telling myself - they are HIS shoes and HE should be able to choose...even as we cringed :)
I got an email inviting Bobby to sign up for the FC Dallas (pro soccer team) Academy team. His Soccer Tots coach recommended him. It is "pretty cool" as Bobby says - he starts Wednesday. It is just practicing skills (one practice a week)- no games so no real commitment but us or Bobby. Just skills development so he can have fun and learn with the FC Dallas coaches/players without pressure. Rob and I will see how it goes and if he likes it.
Bobby - what do you want for breakfast?
Nutrigrain breakfast bar and 3 slices of American cheese.....
Saturday, August 21, 2010
God and Invisible Woman
On Friday, Bobby had Lil Sluggers baseball at the Jewish Community Center. With summer camps over, the JCC has started closing at 3 on Friday afternoons to observe Shabbat - which we found out when we got to the JCC on Friday and were locked out. We finally did figure out how to get in - by walking all the way around the building to the athletic center. After baseball and the hot journey back to our car, Bobby started asking why the doors were locked. I explained that some Jewish people got off work early to celebrate Shabbat and get home to make a special dinner and say thank you to God. Then he began asking about God - what does God look like? I told him that God is everywhere and we can;t see him but know he is there. He then said - then God is like Invisible Woman - we can't see him and he has special powers. Well...sure Buddy - kind of like Invisible Woman :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Run in with a Chocolate Fountain
We Love Thursdays with Spencer!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Timothy's Naming
Friends and family, a beautiful ceremony officiated by Rabbi Stern, funny and touching moments from Bobby (all caught on tape) and wonderful food. I love you so much Timothy. I already cannot imagine life without you - you were well worth the wait and I love every minute that I get to spend with you. Pictures to come!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Bobby's 5th Birthday Party
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
But I LIKE Timothy!
Many people have asked how I am explaining Timmy's naming ceremony to Bobby. Well - I have told him that a naming ceremony is a Jewish ceremony to give a baby their Hebrew name and welcome them into the world. A Rabbi does blessings and there is food - a pretty basic explanation and something he can understand.....or so I thought. When I told Bobby that we would be giving him a Hebrew name - he got REALLY angry at me and proclaimed that he liked Timothy as his name and we could not change it. I explained that we were not changing Timmy's name but giving him another name - his Hebrew name. As you may guess - this answer would not suffice and he said that he didn't want Timmy to get another name - he liked Timothy as his name. This went on for several minutes - explaining that he had a Hebrew name too, Daddy and I did and what that means...etc. Finally I interrupted another question and said "Bobby -Timothy is his name and will always be his name. We are not going to call him something else. He is getting a special Hebrew name at the naming- the same thing that you got when you were a baby - but we are NOT going to be calling him that. OK?" He paused and then said "Alright - I am OK with that." Well-great :)
Reading, Writing and Tebbpdeits
I decided long ago that Bobby is too smart for Rob and I's own good. He does not just accepts things that are said to him without asking numerous questions to really understand why things are the way they are - it is a quality that I love about him. I am working with him on his reading. We went through some of his word flash cards and he did fine but then got bored and decided that he was going to teach me some words. So....he starts writing different combinations of letters and then asks me to read them. After I read them - kind of - he quizzes me as to what they mean. Any idea what Sfteft means? Me either. We also worked on telling time. I never realized how hard it is to explain telling time until I started teaching Bobby. If the longer hand is pointing to the 3 and the small hand is pointing in between the 2 and the 3 - the time is 2:15...huh? He seemed to get it but after awhile - looked up at me and said that this just didn't make much sense because if the long hand was pointing to the 3 - why was it not just 2:03 instead of 2:15? I tried to explain it in which he just looked at me, shook his head and said that he was ready to move on to something else :)
Bobby was a huge help to me today. After we discovered that his camp was canceled (we go to another location tomorrow) - we spent the day running an errand to Target (where he used his allowance to get a Bakugan) and then came home to clean the garage, hall closet and organize his room and the playroom. He does like to help and also would interrupt me because "it looked like I needed a break."
Monday, August 9, 2010
2 month shots and Target do not mix
I am happy to report that Timmy did excellent at his 2 month appointment today. He is 23 and 3/4 inches long and weighs 11 lbs and 9 oz. He is in the 75 percentile in height, 50 in weight and 50 in head circumference. Dr. Karam said he is very healthy and doing great - he stood back and admired him for a minute and said to me that this time around must feel so different. I said yes - mostly because we don't see him nearly as often :) Timmy took his shots well - his cries are so sad. :( Bobby's reaction - when the nurse told him that she was about to give Timmy his shots - he said that it was OK and it wouldn't interrupt him reading his books :/ Timmy did Ok for most of the day....until Target. I had to go to Target to pick up a prescription and get some more Tylenol for Timmy. The visit did not go well. Poor guy woke up as we were nearing the pharmacy and cried for 30 minutes straight holding onto his legs. Nothing would help until I opened up the Tylenol I had picked up, gave him a dose and held him on a bench in the store until he calmed down. Bobby was a champ throughout all of this. For the future - all trips will wait until the day after shot day!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Friday Night Swim
After a great day of hosting the neighborhood play group and baseball - we hit the pool after dinner for a first-ever night swim. Bobby, Timmy and I swam for about an hour. It was so fun - not too hot but nice and warm. A great way to end the week!
Also - Timmy smiled for Daddy!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Starting a Tradition
Today we started a tradition with Gillian and Johanna - cousins' end of the summer/back to school lunch at Rainforest Cafe! Growing up, Mom would take the three of us to Lee's Dynasty for an end of school year dinner. Now I am happy to be starting a tradition like that with Bobby. We had a GREAT time - he ate, watched the animals and we got the famous Volcano dessert. Pictures to come!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Making the Most of It
Today was HOT so we journeyed out to find good inside things to do. A day of shopping for indoor activities/games at Hobby Lobby with Meaghan, Bobby's first game of Monopoly (he loves it!), trip to the Plano Library to see Dallas Zoo animals (a bonus - checking out super hero books while we were there) and - last but not least - a drive-thru snowcone stand helped to pass the day.
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